Saturday, July 17, 2010

Yesterday --the day before Saturday

The day began with 'are we going to St. Monan's?' St. Monans is only a stones throw away from St. Andrews and of course the British Open is on. I was concerned about the traffic. Strange, noone else seemed to be. The phone rang and they needed one more to finish off an incomplete foursome at the Open, so we decided to make the run. Who knows, perhaps we'll be on TV and get to play with someone famous. We picked up Lorraine's Aunt Rita. A very sweet lady that was sitting and waiting for us. So now we're off in the rain and intermittent sun to St.Monan's to visit with Lorraine's cousins but there was an extra reason and that was the fish n chips in a place called Anstruther and don't forget the ice cream!
Andrea, Lorraine's cousin, drove us down. The line was long so we decided to do 'take away'. I have to admit, it was a great meal and a great visit with all. The St Andrews bit? Well, we didn't get another call and then Tom Watson failed to make the cut so we all decided not to take away his final walk up 18 and take all the credit....Great run Tom! So today, we're back to the train to London and then tomorrow the Ship. Everyone take care. Thanks Andrea and Tony for the stay.
We'll post from sometime on the ship. I'll do it from the craps table.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Back in the homeland for Lorraine

Well, we're back in Edinburgh. After a great train ride (much better than air or car) we got here to this raining mecca in the world about 6 p.m. last night. Nothing much to say at this time since we rode the train most of the day. I am so looking forward to this cruise on Sunday. The issue is I lifted off the train Lorraine's 300 pound bag and have a bit of a back issue now. I'll spend my day when we get out looking for some secret remedy to rid myself of the pain so I'm ready for Sunday. Lorraine is in her element and as we rode the train into Waverly Station in Edinburgh, she sat up ever so straight and a huge smile came over her face...she is proud of her homeland! I had to smile and give a laugh myself. It's been two weeks now and we're still talking as much as we did prior to least twice a I'm thinking we'll make it. Everyone take care. I have a feeling that when we're back, Benjamin may be swimming...or at least have started his lessons (yes we check Facebook too)...I will be very excited for him to get this important lesson we can play in the pool instead of me dragging him around in one of those plastic ring floaties! Everyone take care...oh yes, when we arrived yesterday there had been a huge traffic jam around the area. Rod Stewart is doing a concert at the Castle (last night and tonight) would love to see him but I believe he is totally sold out. Do you think William Wallace would have approved of that? (bit of history there)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Still in the Country Side

It's Tuesday here now and we're still at Lorraine's cousins house. Yes the large one. Don't want to leave anything anywhere or you have one heck of a hike back to find it. We spent Sunday with Lorraine's family reunion on her dad's side of the family. This is the second one we've been too and always a lot of work put into it for sure. I believe everyone enjoyed it. I didn't see anyone throwing a fit or creating a scene. They all seemed happy enough to come, see the house, eat, drink and converse for a bit and then wave bye as they left the house for their 3/4 mile drive down the drive. Monday was spent cleaning up a bit, going on a run in the country by car and stopping at a spot or two or three for the daily teas. Seems as if that is the one consistency throughout the country is this insatiable quest to drink all the tea in the land. What the heck is that all about? It's not really all that great an activity and as soon as you get up from one, move a bit, there seems to be another with some other butter laden foods involved. Now if you get involved with the eco conservative friendly group, it's another pattern of saving the world from our own destruction. Really now, one political point on this....if China makes no move to clean up the pollutantsl, everyone else is wasting their time and money for this still unproven and slanted idea. Perhaps it's just a nice way for many to remember to pick up their things and put them in the right littel box so they can be sorted. Oh well, I'm sure they all feel better for doing it, as they all seem to have a cause. Today we're going on a 4.5 mile hike. Another one of those feel good moments. I'm prepping now for it by waiting for the crowd. We're suppose to go at 9 but by the time the breakfast is eaten; the tea is served and the general good mornings come and will be 11....but I'm ready for 9...let's see how this folds out today.
Tomorrow (wednesday) we go by train to Efdinburgh. So I go to the train website and fill out the hundreds of lines of inquiry and then get two tickets back with Lorraine in one train car and me in another....both going to Edinburgh and then down to London....Did they not you think we were together since we booked together, have the same last name and are going to the same places? WTH...So now I have to spend an hour of time with that india group of res agents that you can't understand and they stay so polite to try and get us at least in the same cabin....I better check and make sure we're on the same train! Take care all....

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Well, excuse me Country Gentleman!

We are now in Hereford, England-pronounced I'm sure differently than it is spelled. We're visiting Lorraines cousin who has purchased this beautiful manor home (20000 sq feet) that sits on 15 acres of beautifully landscaped grounds. I thought it was previously a castle but to each man it must be 'his' castle. Something like 13 bedrooms, 18 bathrooms and a huge banquet hall that's about 70 ft x 30 ft. So far 14 of Lorraine's family on her dad's side have shown up. The balance come today. Its a bit early since I got up before 6 am so I need to fill the time until some others are stirring around. I really don't know what's around here other than on my early rounds of the property I met a horse trainer with a race horse on each arm. He must have the place next to John and Cathy. He wouldn't let me ride, even though I showed him my Texas Passport...~I am a proficient rider you know! John and Cathy rent out the house next door complete with 4 additioal bedrooms, a lounge (think that is actually like a family room) and full kitchen as a complete unit and then use the bedrooms in the main house as B&B rooms. They currently have a family of 6 celebrating the old guy's 70th birthday. It is a beautiful setting for sure and the service is impeccable...Cathy is a great delegator! Well, I'm off to the gatehouse as there is some story here about the dame that lives or lived there and I'm interested in finding out what all the noise is about. Everyone take care and hope all is fine.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Ain't Nothing Like a Border Collie!

Well, it will be quick and simple today. Another extremely long drive from the B. Castle back to Dublin so we can catch a flight tomorrow for Lorraine's family reunion in Hereford, England.
She is excited....oh yes, me too!
What really was great about today was we went to a Sheep Farm and watched this fellow's Border Collies work and bring in the sheep. They were beautiful and quick on command. Obviously have a lot of experience. They work them from the top of the mountain to the pen below and it was fun to cheer them on at every turn. You know we have two border collies. My gosh, have they got a soft life! Well, Mack and Kerry-your lives are about to change. I bought a whistle and I'm going to teach you how to herd the sheep. Ah yes, well it's just another little problem so we'll figure out the sheep issue over the next week or so. I would have loved to bring one of the dogs home as this fellow ships them all over the world with PetPassports. Cost is a mere 2000 euros to Houston! We passed but not until some additional prodding. Everyone take care and will be writing from England starting tomorrow (Saturday)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Not any traveling I'm used to doing! So join me on a Larry voyage!

Ok, so I need to start at the end of the day. To tell you the truth, it's been so long since the morning that I have to think about where we were.
This place, Ballynahinch Castle, is amazing. The grounds are beautiful, the ambiance is fantastic and the food is delicious. Actually I have no more words for description. How should I exzplain dinner. The superlatives wouldn't do it justice. Let me use a Ryan-ism---it explodes in your mouth. The chef is Chinese married to an Irish lady with two children that were described as looking Fugi...I will consider they meant the children to be beautiful and as a compliment. Whatever shortfalls the hotel may have, the food makes you forget...the sad fact is that they wouldn't bring any more. Nothing else can be said. Since the place was built in the 1600's there are a few issues that should be looked into. Nothing major but there is no place to put the soap in the shower, so either take a liquid in with you or thorw the bar over the door and don't slip on it when you get out...The beds are extremely hard but then I like them firm. The rooms are a bit of old, new, traditional and contemporary...although it doesn't possibly work aesthetically, it is a great place to come, no matter the cost. It is a long way to get to it, but golf is close; fishing is outside the door, hiking is on the grounds and food is on the table. Whataburger, I'm afraid you've just lost your spot as #1in my heart.
The hotel has a great work ethic. The archeologist and resident eco environmentalist also spin trims the grounds. I love it because of the job description---we do it all and don't complain. It's the work ethic that is as much music to our ears as the food exploding in the mouth. It's refreshing to be thrown back to reason.

We went to a small fishing village called Roundstone and then on to Clifden and Cleggin where we caught the ferry to Inishbofin Island. The farther most western island that is part of Ireland. You could say the American Atlantic hits there last or first..however you choose.
Tomorrow is a big day for me...I'm going to watch border collies actually work the sheep at a sheep farm about an hour away. Hopefully I will not try and bring one of these dogs home to teach ours! We are well, feeling good, well fed and loving the trip so far. A bit too much driving for such a short timeframe but we'll have plenty of time to relapse into a time warp when we get to Scotland. Regards to all and look we made it back again thankfully with no accident....there was no one on the road to these cities we went to is the only reason I believe....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A day of driving and climbing and driving and climbing

Here we are already Wednesday night and we've just arrived at Ballynahinch Castle out of Galway Ireland....way out of....
Well we started early and before we knew it ---9 hours later--I was at Ballynahinch. No incidents at all and I only heard Lorraine gasp once...the tape worked!
We went to the Cliffs of Mohers (will ck on sp. but where we are now only has wifi downstairs so I don't have all the correct spellings with me.)
We ferried across and then drove for an additonal couple of hours. However, they were magnificent and worth it. Do you really think I was going to say anything different? A bit wendy but from a view of about 700 feet you could look out over the Atlantic and watch the waves roll into shore...well, they really don't roll...they actually pound the whay out of the cliffs. Quite dramatic and the sun was out. By the time we got there, finished that and then started the drive again we stopped at a small (everything seems to be small) place to eat. Then off to the drive again. We didn't realize the hotel was still a bit over an hour after we got to Golway. We thought we had reached it....Nothing really exciting to tell you about except tomorrow looks a whole lot better and we'll be staying put. Place is known for it's fishing so I think I may have to teach them what little I know and see how that works fo me.
I have a couple of questions: We have a car and got an upgrade when we picked it up...would we have been better off with one that fit within the lane? or is the fact we got an upgrade the thing to be proudest of? With the lanes only wide enough for two small cars and in some instances only one direction, do you think they could have cut a bit more shrubbery and widened the frickin' lanes another foot or two...Gosh knows they have enough space...they're mostly farmers for goodness sakes! Will write on the hotel tomorrow since we got here so late tonight...and to be honest, I've had a pint or two and really just want some sleep....night all. Hope ryan, Jen and Ben had a great flight and enjoy the vacation time. Sean, will try and call you later...oh yeah, Mom has thrown out all the tape...didn't think it was funny one bit!