Saturday, July 17, 2010

Yesterday --the day before Saturday

The day began with 'are we going to St. Monan's?' St. Monans is only a stones throw away from St. Andrews and of course the British Open is on. I was concerned about the traffic. Strange, noone else seemed to be. The phone rang and they needed one more to finish off an incomplete foursome at the Open, so we decided to make the run. Who knows, perhaps we'll be on TV and get to play with someone famous. We picked up Lorraine's Aunt Rita. A very sweet lady that was sitting and waiting for us. So now we're off in the rain and intermittent sun to St.Monan's to visit with Lorraine's cousins but there was an extra reason and that was the fish n chips in a place called Anstruther and don't forget the ice cream!
Andrea, Lorraine's cousin, drove us down. The line was long so we decided to do 'take away'. I have to admit, it was a great meal and a great visit with all. The St Andrews bit? Well, we didn't get another call and then Tom Watson failed to make the cut so we all decided not to take away his final walk up 18 and take all the credit....Great run Tom! So today, we're back to the train to London and then tomorrow the Ship. Everyone take care. Thanks Andrea and Tony for the stay.
We'll post from sometime on the ship. I'll do it from the craps table.


  1. I was going to write and ask how close you were to St. Andrews and if you were going to try to attend. Watson finished late on #17 and would have had to finish at 6:30 am on Sat. Woods was in the foursome ahead of Watson and somehow allowed him to join them and finish #18 so he would not have to play one hole on Sat. Read that they have not been on very good terms in the past so I guess that was a way for Woods to be couteous and gain a "point" (but he really needs more points than one)
    I can understand why you are looking forward to the beautiful ship on Sunday after so much driving etc. If you get a chance on a sea day in between sessions on the craps table (good luck), try the SEASIDE CAFE all the way aft on the port side Deck 11. They have good salads, hamburgers, fries and GREAT onion rings. Your blog has been great, and you have seen and done alot. Travel safe, relax and have a great sail.
